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Oh Come, Let us


SUMMIT  2025

Reformed Youth Conference

Ages: Grade 9 grads - post high singles up to 30 years old

Mt. Royal University, Calgary, AB Canada

August 4-8

Psalm 95:6 "Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!" 

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Dr. Joel R. Beeke

Joel R. Beeke (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is the chancellor and professor of homiletics and systematic theology at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He has served as a pastor since 1978 and currently ministers at the Heritage Reformed Congregation of Grand Rapids, Michigan. He frequently lectures at seminaries and speaks at Reformed conferences around the world. The Lord has blessed him and his wife Mary with three children and ten grandchildren.

Heritage Reformed Congregation, Grand Rapids, Michigan

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Dr. Jerry Bilkes

Dr. Gerald (Jerry) M. Bilkes is professor of New Testament and Homiletics, and Vice-President at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He is a minister in the Free Reformed Churches of North America. Jerry has authored several books and preaches and speaks at churches and conferences worldwide. His areas of special interest include hermeneutics, the history of interpretation, and conversion in the Bible. He and his wife Michelle reside in Grand Rapids, MI, and have five children: Lauren, Seth, Zachary, Audrey, and Joshua.  

Minister in the Free Reformed Churches of North America



You will be staying on campus in the West Residence apartments of Mt. Royal University. We expect each registrant to honour all campus rules and to respect University property. You will be held responsible for reckless damage.


For Summit 2025, we have the following Out-Day Activities available: Horseback Riding, White Water Rafting, Hiking, Calgary Zoo, and Calaway Park

Out-Day Activities

Summit has switched to online credit card payments. Your payment must be made at the time of registration. Yes, churches can still pay for a group using a credit card. 

Payment Details/Fees

Daily meals & evening snacks are provided for the duration of the conference week. This year we are introducing a food card system which can be used at the MRU cafe or other campus vendors – (if room permits) like the University’s own Tim Horton’s or Jugo Juice.


A Chaperone is a single or married adult (must be 18 years of age or older), and someone who is capable of demanding the obedience and respect of the young people. Chaperones supervise their own young people and assist the Summit Staff with a variety of duties and responsibilities.


Summit Reformed Youth Conference expects attendees to adhere to the rules that SUMMIT has created in order that God may be glorified in the behavior and conduct of our attendees.

Summit Rules



Day 1

Day 2

Day 4

Day 3


Check out last years youth conference recap to get you excited for what's to come!


2022 MEDIA



Pastor John Bouwers

Forsaking the Assembly? Do you know someone who has fallen away, or has “deconstructed” their faith? What does the Bible teach about backsliding, apostasy and Christian deconstruction? Is such a thing even possible? Are you concerned it could happen to you? We’ll focus on recognizing the dangers, guarding against it, challenging and encouraging one another, and then ministering the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who struggle.

Hope Reformed Church, URC, Brampton, ON



Pastor Bill Pols

The Sabbath was Made for Man. When did God make the sabbath? For whom did He make it? For how long? Why?  What does this have to do with your calling and commitment to worship God? These six words of our Savior are foundational for your life. Find out why.

Cornerstone URC, Edmonton, AB

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Pastor John van Eyk

Worship the Nations. Who cares that there are around 1.9 billion Muslims, 1.2 billion Hindus, 500 million Buddhists, and millions of others who, like them, do not worship the Lord Jesus Christ? God cares and so should we. The Father wants all to honour the Son. The Lord Jesus is owed the worship of all. As John Piper once said, ‘Missions exists because worship doesn’t.’ This session will seek to enflame our hearts for Christ and his glory among the nations.

Trinity Reformed Church, URC, Lethbridge, AB

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Pastor Matthew Van der Woerd

Cultivating Holy Habits. How is your prayer life? How much time do you spend reading the Bible? if we are honest, most of us are convicted by the lack of time we spend in prayer, Bible reading, and personal devotions. In this session, we are going to consider the importance of cultivating Spiritual Disciplines in our daily lives and, more importantly, fostering an attitude and heart of worship.

Emmanuel Reformed Church, URC, Barrhead, AB

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Pastor John Ysinga

True Worship: It’s More Than a Feeling. From the raw emotions of the Psalms to the prophets’ sober warnings against hypocrisy, the Bible is clear that worship must be sincere. Accounts like Nadab and Abihu in Leviticus 10, and Micah’s idolatry in Judges 17 reveal that true worship must follow God’s rules. In this session we’ll see how rules and passion work hand in hand in worship that pleases God.

United Reformed Church of Thunder Bay, ON

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Pastor Gary Zekveld

Worship and the Psalms. The Psalms are vital for authentic, Godward worship. Whether we are bursting with joy or burdened with suffering, whether we have kept the law or broken it, whether we feel close to God or far away, in every circumstance of life the Psalms enable us to pour out our souls with the words that Christ has given to us. The Psalms meet us wherever we are at and mold us into the image of Christ. The Psalms allow us to be “real” with Christ’s own words. In this session you will learn to love the Psalms and come to appreciate why they are so integral to our worship.

New Westminster United Reformed Church, New Westminster, BC

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Pastor Keith Giles

Worship in All of Life. The fifth ‘Sola’ of the Protestant Reformation is ‘Soli Deo Gloria’: to the glory of God alone. This Sola is based in part on 1 Corinthians 10:31: ‘Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God’. In this workshop, we will explore how we can glorify God in our so-called “ordinary lives” -- whether at home, at work, at school or in our leisure time. We’ll learn that our worship of God extends beyond church on Sunday.

Covenant Reformed Church, Grande Prairie, AB

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Pastor Ian Wildeboer

Redeeming Music. Music is an outlet, and it can give voice to our struggles. But in many cases, the music we hear around us merely reflects the brokenness and hopelessness of the world: it is dark and twisted and perverted. There's no redeeming quality about it. Can we, Christ's Church, offer something better? Can the church provide deeply theological, Christ-Centred worship, that is accessible to the unchurched while remaining counter-cultural to the world around us? In this session, we will explore Christ-centred worship and the power of music to reach the broken, the street-involved (homeless), the drug addicted and those engaged in gang activity.     

Mercy Christian Church, Canadian Reformed Church, Hamilton, ON

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Pastor Paul Van Stralen

Worthy of Worship. Taylor Swift's “Eras Tour” is the highest grossing tour in history. More people watched Kendrik Lamar's Super Bowl Halftime show than any other in Super Bowl history. What does that say about these celebrities and those who follow them? Are they worthy of such adoration – of such worship? Many Swifties think so. But who is really worthy of all worship, and why? In this session, we'll look at Revelation 5 and see why Jesus Christ is worthy of all worship!

Grace Reformed Church, Lethbridge AB

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Pastor James Slaa

Worship the True Image of God. Which commandment did the Israelites break in Exodus 32 at Mt. Sinai when Aaron made the golden calves and the Israelites worshipped them? It was the second commandment. This session will explore the meaning and dangers of creating images of God, as well as the consequences outlined in the second commandment. We will also examine how we are prone to making false images of God today and how to practice the true, biblical image worship of God.

Canadian Reformed Church of Carman West, Carman, MB

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Mary Beeke

Kindness: How Important is it?  (Ladies Only Session). Would you consider yourself to be a “kind” person? Do you like it when people are kind to you? What exactly does it mean to be kind, and how important is it? In this session we will look at what the Bible says about kindness, especially as Jesus taught and modeled kindness in his life and ministry. Then we will apply that teaching to our lives today.

Wife of Dr. Joel R. Beeke, Heritage Reformed Congregation, Grand Rapids, Michigan



Pastor James Folkerts

Worship in the Mission Field: Lessons Learned. What practical lessons can we learn about Christian worship from the foreign mission field?  Pastor James spent 4 years working among a semi nomadic nilotic tribe in east Africa.   He witnessed first generation Christians and families humbly and courageously worship the living God and come together to plant a church in the midst of satanic darkness and opposition.  In this session, you will reflect on how these lessons can inform and impact our own appreciation for worshipping our Triune God and the dangers we face “from the spirit of this age”.  

Parkland United Reformed Church, Ponoka, AB

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Dr. Joel R. Beeke

Family Worship. What four matters does the Bible say we should do daily in family worship? What practical helps can assist us in doing each of these matters effectively? How do we answer objections against doing daily family worship? What should motivate us to persevere in doing family worship?

Heritage Reformed Congregation, Grand Rapids, Michigan



Dr. Jerry Bilkes

Worship and Modern Day Idols. What are some modern-day idols that can hinder our undivided devotion to God? Do we need to go so far as to say that sports, technology, movies, vacations are off-limits to Christians? What does the “god of this world” do to try to get us enthralled with him? How do we navigate this modern-day life without becoming idolaters? What do I do about the great idol “Me?”

Minister in the Free Reformed Churches of North America

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